Leader in Iran's electricity privatization industry
A Pioneer in the Privatization of Iran’s Power Sector
This organization is recognized as one of the reputable and prominent pioneers in the process of privatizing the power sector in the country. With a stellar track record in this field, this company has managed to become one of the most influential players in this arena. Among the achievements of this company, the development of electrical infrastructure, the construction of fully private power plants, the improvement of the quality and reliability of the electricity grid, and the creation of numerous job opportunities for specialists in this field can be mentioned. Relying on a skilled workforce and the latest technologies, this holding has been able to establish itself as a leader in the field of electricity privatization in the country and become a successful service provider in this area.
Energy Sector (Electricity Industry)

Steel Industry

Subsidiaries of Persian Holding

Areas of Activity

Why Us ?
The employees of Persian Steel Company consider the work environment as the most suitable space to offer their capabilities. This is due to the empathetic atmosphere and high motivation of the personnel in performing their duties. The human capital of this industrial group has a strong interest and passion for their work, and they prefer to prioritize this over anything else at work. The existence of such a spirit among the employees plays a significant role in the economic success of the company. Furthermore, the presence of high-level experts at various managerial and production levels is considered one of the main reasons for the economic success of this industrial group. The high expertise of these personnel, along with their extensive technical knowledge and experience, has provided a suitable foundation for the company to achieve its objectives. All in all, the human resources of the Persian Steel Company, with a strong sense of belonging, significant technical knowledge and skills, and love and passion for their work, play a key role in the advancements and achievements of this industrial conglomerate.
CEO Speech

Mohammad Falahatian
Persian Steel Company, with the aim of becoming a leading and diversified industrial group in the country, has adopted the following strategic goals:
• Pursuing sustainable development and environmental protection in all of the company’s activities.
• Expansion and diversification of its activities in various industrial sectors such as electricity generation, steel, concrete, and textiles.
• Improving productivity and efficiency in production units through the utilization of modern technologies and specialized human resources.
• Creating a flexible and efficient organizational structure to respond quickly to changing market needs.
• Completing the value chain and increasing its market share in various industries, with a focus on producing high-quality products.